Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Transformers : Classical Heroes

Hollywood blockbuster Transformers: Age of Extinction hit the widescreens worldwide on June 25, breaking the box-office records of this yearIt is attrackting enormous audience taking 1,500 theaters, although it is the fourth film of its series.

What different appeal does Transformers have in comparison to other movies that have heroes defeating evils i.e. Spiderman, Ironman, X-man and so on? Through animated movies like Tayo, Robocar Poli and Tobot which are the favorites of kids, you can find that cars and robots are common materials. Large scale action scenes consist of transformation of the cars you loved in your childhood and which are the most precious things for now as well, seasoned with acient legend make us keep eagerly looking forward to the next sequel.

Most of scenarios go like this. Ithe conflict of good and evil, good seems weak at first, but it wins finally thanks to the positive energy such as love, friendship, belief and justice and the world now regains peace. The reason we love these typical stories of action movies is, in my opinion, we all have wishes for peace and someone to make our world peaceful. Even the real world is full of violence and irrationalities, through the films we want to see the ideal world - paradise, where justice always gets the victory against the evil force no matter how great their power is.

However, the peace made by fictional hero and the dream of paradise made by someone is done in 2 to 3 hours as the end credits goes up. To make this fictional paradise nonfictional, hope we can transform our future world to a peaceful one by our hands however long it takes.


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