Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Big peace event is coming : SARAJEVO 2014

From a World of War and Violence ...
… to a Culture of Peace and Nonviolence

Activists and advocates for peace from different countries of Europe aiming at transforming a World of war and violence into a culture of peace, non-violence and justice are holding this big international event on 6-9 June. More than 50 organizations in Europe are engaged in the preparation of the Peace Event Sarajevo 2014. There will beforums and workshops, round tables for participants, cultural section including exhibitions and films about peace movement and activities for youth is prepared.

-As I always appeal about it- Actually there has been a lot of peace events all this time, but why do we still cry for peace? It is because literally we still dont have peace. We should really think about this indeed. We have a bunch of peace workers and organizations, laureates of Nobel prize for peace, however, it was just negotiations or settlements of dispute andtemporary peace that they brought. Thousands of meetings and researches, forums and seminars failed to suggest ultimate solution or mean to establish a peaceful world. We know that the core of peace is not just to resolve conflicts, but to maintain peaceful state.

Let me cite family as instance. We all would often have fought with brothers and sisters in our childhood and then also made up soon, because they are our own brothers/sisters and because simply we loved them. Parents love their children whatever they become. The same goes for couples. Between two lovers it is more possible to be generous to each others fault in comparison with others.
Now lets have a look at the situation of South and North Korea. They are the onlydivided country in the world even though they are one ethnic race sharing 5,000 years-long history. How about Muslim people and the Christian? They have been pointing their guns to each other for hundreds of years due to religious differences saying we are the same human race God created. These are all about selfishness and tolerance, LOVE.

No matter how large the river is, it begins from a small stream. Peace maybe comes from our little effort and attempt, attitude and our loving heart, not from a big event. Lets start to love people around us, the neighbors!