The title of national anthem of Mexico is “Mexicans, at the cry of war”, “Ciña ¡Oh Patria! Tus sienes de oliva” and I think it explains their aims of peace.
Around 10th century there was Mayan Civilization in the area of Mexico, and Aztecan civilization for 16th century. Attaking by Spain, Aztecan was destroyed and the area of Mexico had been colonized for about 300 years until they achieved independence in 1810.There was separation of El Salvador, Guatemala and through Mexican-American War in 1846 Mexico had today’s boder losing some of there territory of today’s Texas, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada etc.
After then Mexico’s situation got into a mess because of frequent attempt of coup, repetation of the elections after the civil wars and coups led by defeated side. Furthermore when they had have chance to straighten out the confusion and start to develop their economy, they hadsuffered from invading by foreign countries such as America and France.
From 20th century the ruling party had monopolized vested rights for over 60 years, and beacause of the slump in farm prices after NAFTA in 1990, debt-saddled peasants began to cultivate drugs, also Mexican gangs made money by farm to arm in America. Mexican government have waged war on drugs for 7 years, peace is still far-off. The number of the dead is arleady over 60 thousand and it is expected to increase. Petroleum development business and conclusion of NAFTA made Mexico 10th in world GDP, it is not like the same with domestic situation, but more like a hell full of wars against crime.
Could we look for peace breeze in this country?
November 2013, there was Peace Walk and Peace Seminar in Tijiana Mexico. Over a thousand local residentsspontaneously particiated in the events and chaged to a peaceful march arousing hope of peace in Mexico.
The message of ‘the end of war and world peace’ claimed by world peace advocate Man Hee Lee is playing a role as a lighthouse for Mexico tortured by war and all the violence in the country. Mr. Lee who has been making speeches and peace agreement meetings visiting 44 countries in recent 2 years, has awarded Note of Appreciation and Medal from Veracruz, the biggest seaport in Mexico, in May this year, for the effort he have madefor peace in the region.
For not only Mexico, but whole world, I hope Mr. Lee’s ardent appeal that youth and women to unite to achieve ending of wars and whoever hears the voice yearning for peace to become messenger of peace, could spread to every corner of the world where are numerous people bleeding and dying as well as Mexico.
If you want and you did, there are not impossible things. “The end of war and world peace” is also possible in Mexico.
ReplyDeleteImpressive! The weakest, youth and woman, make peace! I could get self - confidence at this point.