Sunday, July 20, 2014

Question : what makes us fight

 Even though many peace movements have done -the end of Liberia's 14year civil war in 2003 by Leymah Gbowee, Bringing six different tribes together in 2006 by Tegla Loroupe, Mindanao peace agreement in 2014 by Man Hee Lee, uncountable peace works of Nelson Mandela and etc.- the world peace hasn't been achieved yet.

 First of all, I would like to clarify that who fights and who kills. Who makes the wars and who decides us to fight and kill. Who does have those authorities to command and order it to us? We should not be deceived by some power that splits us into many pieces.

 Peace, is it something that human races can never achieve? I want to ask to leaders in the world. How could there still be wars and sufferings even though there are international laws and pacts for peace. If the leaders and the laws cannot make peace come true, who can or what can bring peace?

 Can it be happen for real? I think, to fulfill our aim, the leaders in the world should now gather for peace. Still some sacrifices will be required, people are losing their home and nations. Pain never decrease, but increases as time goes by. Can we say it is meaningful if all activities and movements could not bring peace? We should not wait any more, and we should not stand this cruel situation all around the world any more.